Why Direct Mailing?

Especially in these challenging times, you want to ensure that your message is seen. With email blasts, your email can easily get missed as it is competing with many other solicitations each day. Or worse, it ends up in a spam folder never to be seen again.
Direct Mail gets your printed piece into the hands of your donors.
Direct Mail is perceived as more trusted than an “email blast”. It is not filtered into a spam folder but actually is sorted by human hands. As a matter of fact, 70% of Americans say direct mail is more personal than the internet. Fewer letters and postcards reach your donors than in the past, so those pieces are perceived to be of higher value and emphasize the importance of your message. Copycats is uniquely positioned to help you navigate the world of Direct Mail and help you with your campaignHere is how we can help you:
Design of Your Mail Piece
Determine the Format That Works for You- Large Postcards, Variable Data Letters, A Mailing with A Promotional Giveaway. There are many options.
Give You Options to Make Sure Your Piece Stands Out
Full-Color Teasers
Postcards with Embellishments
Enclosure of a Printed Promotional Giveaway – lumpy mail gets opened.
Take Steps to Make Your Mailing Is Cost-Effective
Pre-sorting for Best Discount
Mailing List Maintenance Includes Removal of Duplicate Addresses
Every List Run Through the USPS National Change of Address Database
Mailing on Your Permit or Ours
Help You Obtain Mailing Lists That Identify New Donor Prospects with the Criteria That Work for You

For a free consultation give us a call at 212-557-2111 or drop us an email at client@copycats.com to discuss your project.